Thursday, September 1, 2011

Introduction to Java

WELCOME TO the Sixth Edition of Introduction to Programming Using Java, a free, on-line textbook on introductory programming, which uses Java as the language of instruction. This book is directed mainly towards beginning programmers, although it might also be useful for experienced programmers who want to learn something about Java. It is certainly not meant to provide complete coverage of the Java language.
Java Programming Book 
 Download this Book


Description :
It's a Snakes game where you play vs the computer. The objective of the game is to make the other player crash.
Technology : System,JAVA
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Vehicle Management System

escription :
Vehicle Management System is software which is helpful for bus operators, who wants to operate many bus trips in a day. Vehicle Management System is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems which focused in the area of adding, editing and deleting the passengers, staff and the bus routes.
Technology : System,JAVA
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FileCompression (GZIP Algorithm)

Description :
File Compression lets you reduce the overall number of bits and bytes in a file so it can be transmitted faster over slower Internet connections, or take up less space on a disk. Domain File compression is a System Based Software. The user need not depend on third party software’s like winzip, winrar, Stuff etc.
Technology : System,JAVA
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File Compression Sunzip(HUFFMAN Algorithm)

Description :
File Compression lets you reduce the overall number of bits and bytes in a file so it can be transmitted faster over slower Internet connections, or take up less space on a disk. Domain File compression is a System Based Software.
Technology : System,JAVA
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Student Management System

Description :
Student Management System is software which is helpful for students as well as the school authorities. Our Student Management System deals with the various activities related to the students. There are mainly 3 modules in this software • User module • Student Module • Mark management In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types, student and administrator. Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit and delete a user. A student can register as user and can add edit and delete his profile. The administrator can add edit and delete marks for the student. All the users can see the marks.
Technology : System,JAVA
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Library Management System

Description :
The project titled Library Management System is Library management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library .The project “Library Management System” is developed in java, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new member, new books, and updating new information, searching books and members and facility to borrow and return books.“Library Management System” is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems, designed to help users maintain and organize library
Technology : System,JAVA
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Exam Suit

Description :
The project “Exam Suite” is developed in Java, which mainly focuses on basic Exam operations. “Exam Suite” is a windows application written for 32bit Windows operating systems, designed to help users to write exams. The software Exam Suite has 3 main modules.
1 Login Module
2 Insertion to Database Module
3 Extracting from Database Module
Technology : System,JAVA
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Mobile Phone Tracking

Description :
It is a web application. This application tracks the mobile location in every 5 seconds in connection with the central tower.
Technology : Web,JAVA


Real time java based auto auctions

Description :
A multitasking Java applications with business rules build in where people can log in and put auctions.
Technology : Web,JAVA
